
Attributes: Female Outlaw, Magic, Waterfall Demon, Princess

Takiyasha-hime was the daughter of Taira no Masakado who was defeated and subsequently executed after trying to overthrow the emperor of the time. That order was also extended to his family but Takiyasha and her brother escaped and then hid at a temple at the base of Mt. Tsukaba and one day a wizard gave them a magic scroll containing the secrets of Frog Magic.

After some time and believing they had adequate power from their magic they decided to try to overthrow the emperor again. They returned to their father’s castle and recruited and army of the surviving soldiers loyal to their father’s cause. Using her black magic she summoned an army of giant skeletons and yokai.

Takiyasha rode into the battle on top of a giant toad determined that she would topple the emperor. However, in the end and despite her magic and army of skeletons she was defeated and like her father executed.