Shoki (Demon Queller)

There are several interpretations of the life and death of Shoki. By most accounts he was a physician that wanted badly to serve at the imperial palace. He apparently passed the national exam with a higher score than any of the other entrants but because he was a very unattractive man was denied by the emperor to the position. Became very distraught over this decision and committed suicide. Upon hearing about this he felt horrible and out of pity posthumously awarded Shoki the title Doctor of Zhongnanshan. Shoki’s spirit thereafter vowed to protect the emperor and empire from illness and evil.

The common denominator of all the stories is that Shoki is revered as a semi-deity with extraordinary powers to subdue evil and demons. In art he is portrayed with wild hair, bushy eyebrows, large mustache, bulging eyes, large nose and a fierce expression. He is usually intentionally made to look ugly. Shoki wears a hat that is a symbol for Chinese scholars, big boots and hold a sword in his right hand. He is said to have 80,000 demon servants that he has subdued.