
Attributes: Mischief, aggression, politeness

Kappa are water demons. No one knows exactly what Kappa are, it is a fictional creature and is therefore open to some interpretation. Unlike many other traditional Japanese tattoo designs signifying peace or luck the Kappa depicts the threating side of Japanese mythology.

The Kappa has a weaknesses. Spilling the water contained in the bowl-like depression in its' head and oddly enough politeness.

It's features are generally described as a reptilian humanoid that inhabits rivers and lakes. I like the murky slimy bottoms of the these bodies of water. They are covered in scaly skin, fluctuating in color from bright red, deep green, earthtones and even blues. They are built for swimming with webbed feet and hands. They have a turtle's shell, beak and neck. They are also depicted with a depression in their skull where they carry their liquid lifeforce, water from their home.

Kappa are feared for dragging swimmers under and sucking their blood and eating their livers. Apparently, they love cucumbers so often before people cross a river they will write the family name and put the cucumber in the river as an offering.