Ibaraki Doji (Demon Queen)

Attributes: All the same as an Oni but more powerful

Doji typically means child but in this context it means offspring, specifically demon offspring.

Ibaraki Doji was the most important servant of Shuten Doji (the Demon King). She was born with teeth and was feared for being a giant. She is believed to be a kijo or female oni. Perhaps even Shuten Doji's lover. She is one of the most famous and feared demons of Japan. She was a completely terrible and fearsome monster.

The story goes that the Shuten Doji gang was running amok in the capital city, kidnapping young girls among other things. The Four Guardian Kings lead by Minamoto no Yurimitsu confronted and destroyed them but Ibaraki was able to escape. Later Watanabe no Tsuna caught up with her and confronted her. During the battle Watanabe severed her arm and she immediately fleed. Apparently, she did later come back and recovered her arm but after which she was never seen again.