
Meaning: Courage, Longevity, Strength, Balance, Calm

Bamboo is native to Asia and is one of the most durable plants in the world. It is a relatively small plant but can stand up to typhoon (hurricane) winds. Because of this it represents strength. It is also an incredibly resilient plant and one of the fastest growing on the planet.

It symbolizes the courage and strength required to overcome obstacles and bad fortune that we all face in a lifetime.

Bamboo and its’ meanings date back to the beginnings of Japanese culture. It is integral in Japanese life, culture and existence. From building scaffolding to house construction to flooring, cabinets, fabrics, housewares, tools, paper and simple aesthetic plant arrangements it is completely woven into Japanese life. Its’ significance cannot be overstated.

It can be tattooed on its’ own simply for its’ beauty and meaning or coupled with other elements such as tigers for instance.